"He was lying in ambush for them when this took place," said Gardendale Police Chief Mike Walker. "As they were engaged in what looks like packing up the van to go to celebrate this graduation, her father appears with a weapon and begins shooting them one at a time."Ken Lever wearing a camo t shirt and blue jeans and armed with a handgun opened fire. "He came out and began shooting," Lynch said. If you had said it didn't happen and I was trying to argue with you then sure I an responsible for proving my point. But you are the one trying to argue with me so the burden of proof is on you. Otherwise you can go back to your liberal cesspool I am sure you cheap jerseys live in.. Cheap Jerseys china You are always going to be a fan. But in order to keep filling that big stadium and keep kids interested in the athletic programs, they need to keep up with the times in a tasteful manner. I don think we will be seeing highlighter yellow uniforms cheap jerse...